PGIMER Chandigarh gets choked
IT IS 12.30 pm and Manmohan Singh, a resident of Barnala, has been awaiting for his turn since 7 am to show his four-year-old sons eyes at the Advanced Eye Care Centre. He has a vision problem since birth. We showed him at a local hospital there but they advised us to visit PGI Chandigarh , As Reported By IE.
According to the Newspaper,That is why we are here. But its a long wait and my young son is getting restless, said Manmohan. Advertising It seems to be an endless wait for patients at Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), the premier institute in the North where its becoming increasingly difficult to find a place to even stand. As per figures provided by the PGI administration, on average, around 9,500 patients visit the OPDs every day.