8 healthy practices kids must follow to keep cancer away forever
Five years ago, actor Emraan Hashmi's three-year-old son Ayaan, was in the headlines, after he was diagnosed with a rare case of kidney cancer. It was after five gruelling years that Ayaan came out of the disease a survivor. He is not a rare case of children in India being diagnosed with cancer at an age as tender as three.
"The incidence of cancer among children in India is on the rise. As per senior health experts, the incidence of cancer among children is increasing by 1.1 per cent every year. These are alarm bells for a country like India, where this dreaded disease, which used to impact mostly adults, is now impacting children too. Leukaemia, Ewing s sarcoma, lymphoma, eye and central nervous system tumours are some of the common childhood cancers. One out of five children suffering from cancer worldwide is from India. In India, childhood cancers account for 1.6% to 4.8% of all cancers, " says Dr Nisha Manikantan, Art of Living's Sri Sri Tattva Ayurveda expert and author of the popular work-Ayurveda Simplified.
Cancer symptoms and causes.
Some of the cancer symptoms could be weight loss, noticeable growth of tumours, tiredness, bleeding or rashes.
Unhealthy eating habits and the consumption of junk and processed food is a major factor contributing to the rise in cancer among children. The use of artificial colours, preservatives, pesticides and adulteration of food items is making food carcinogenic, a trend which wasn t prevalent in the earlier times when food used to be much healthier and nutritious.
Parents also need to be mindful of the kind of toothpastes, soaps and other cosmetic products they use at home. Some of these products may end up being carcinogenic. Using natural or ayurvedic variants of these products could turn out to be a much safer option.
When it comes to cancer, there are preventive measures that can be taken to keep the C-word out of the lives of our children. Dr Nisha suggests some:.
1. Exercises, Meditation and Yogasanas are believed to be the most potent means to prevent cancer. Regular exercise, meditation and Yoga not only help the body to detox but also promote fitness, movement and blood circulation.
2. Breathing techniques like alternate nostril breathing/ pranayama and Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY), could play a major role in energizing the child and boosting his overall immunity. Introducing the child to exercises at an early age would not only contribute to his better physical and mental health but help in his overall development too.
3. The mother has a very important role to play in the foundational years of a child s life. Breastfeeding has been found to be effective in preventing cancer as it contributes to building the immunity of the child.
4. To keep a healthy gut is also relevant as it contributes to immunity. Children should be fed with a traditional diet in place of junk food. Home-cooked and organic food such as vegetables, chappatis, dal and salads form the traditional diet. Boosting the immunity of the child ensures that he falls sick less frequently, and doesn t get dependent on antibiotics, and also doesn t miss school.
5. Frequent consumption of junk-food is not advisable. When eating out parents should ensure that the place is hygienic and good quality food is being used.
Similarly, household food-items should be purchased by parents mindfully. They as a consumer should go through the ingredients contained in the food items and look for certified food items, one being AGMARK logo. They should also ensure that food items don t contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in them. Per some researches, GM ingredients have been linked to cancer.
6. Consumption of tea and food in plastic cups, plates and lunch-boxes could be harmful. It is advisable to go for steel lunchboxes or plates when consuming food. Even though certain plastics claim to be toxic free it is better to avoid plastic usage.
7. Parents should advise less usage of deodorant among children, and also not keep them under fan or AC the whole day. One of the bodies natural detox mechanisms is sweating. If the body does not sweat it cannot take the toxins out. It is always good to allow children to play outdoor games and sweat out.
Even small tweaks such as planting a Banyan tree near your house, Tulsi plant in your home (Tulsi is said to have medicinal properties) and organizing agnihotras (with cow-dung) at home could go a long way in purifying the atmosphere at home.
8. The importance of a balanced lifestyle in the prevention of cancer is important. Having a good Dinacharya, a concept in Ayurveda that tells us about the importance of having a regular routine in life such as what time to get up, how long to rest and time to be spent in activity is crucial in the prevention of cancer and associated diseases. Having adequate sleep and relaxation exercises is of paramount importance in ensuring a productive and healthy day.
Parents should ensure that children don t use gadgets after 9 PM.